What is CranioSacral Therapy?

non-manipulative, gentle whole-body therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle way to relieve restrictions in the body to increase the capacity of the individual’s nervous system for health, harmony and well-being. The body naturally seeks homeostasis—and craniosacral therapy facilitates this balancing. When an individual experiences restriction or trauma, whether through a challenging birth or an injury, surgery or emotional shock to the nervous system, the body alters its priority from actualization to survival mode.

The sooner that trauma, shock and restriction are released from the body, the easier and faster the healing process.

The craniosacral system develops shortly after conception when the first cell divides in the womb and forms the primal midline that becomes our spine. From that moment onward, the health of all our systems is organized around the midline—the spine.

Our bones, joints and muscles should be balanced to be healthy, but like a tree that has grown twisted due to the wind, our spines and connective tissues can be affected by tension, trauma and injury throughout life—beginning with the prenatal and birth experiences

About Us

Aids in pain relief

And encourages the nervous system, organs and musculoskeletal system to balance and heal.

20 years of experience

Practising CranioSacral Therapy, Reflexology and Deep Tissue Massage

Gentle techniques

Used in Craniosacral therapy help to reduce stresses and pain and enjoy the wonderful process of pregnancy.

Wonderful for all ages

And conditions—from those with severe conditions to those looking for preventive health care.

  • Distance CST

    Distance CST

  • Reflexology


  • Adults

    CranioSacral for Adults

  • Pregnancy

    CranioSacral for Pregnancy

  • Babies and Children

    CranioSacral for Babies and Children

  • Babies and Children

    CranioSacral for Babies and Children

  • Distance CST

    Distance CST

  • Reflexology


  • Adults

    CranioSacral for Adults

  • Pregnancy

    CranioSacral for Pregnancy


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