Distance CST

It is with great excitement that I am ready to offer long-distance CranioSacral healing to you!

I have been doing CranioSacral Therapy (CST) for well over 15 years. My practice as a CranioSacral Therapist has deepened my work as a body and energy worker.

I have had amazing experiences with clients. Some of these amazing moments have been a relief from headaches and migraines; vertigo; stress; tension; anxiety and depression; inability to focus; chronic pain; general fatigue and lack of energy; emotional/physical trauma – birth, falls, accidents, sexual, loss/grief, surgery; insomnia, sleep disorders; old belief patterns; chronic sinusitis and middle ear infections; hypertension; digestive and irritable bowel syndrome; hormonal imbalances and much more.

Everything is energy and we are all connected. All living things – people, animals, plants and even individual cells have an energetic signature or biofield and each is a part of the earth’s energetic field and the greater surrounding universal field. Distance healing works because we are all energetically connected. We are interdependent and we are interconnected.

​The rhythms of the natural world surround us and permeate our very being. As living beings, born of the natural world, our physiology is nurtured by the rhythms of the natural world and we depend upon them for our health and well-being. We are all dependent on the universal field – the natural energetic rhythms in our bodies that govern our life processes resonate with the universal field.

Since the 1970s, it is recognised that particles that occupy the same quantum state remain interconnected at any distance. They are said to perceive each other, no matter how far removed they are from each other in space or in time. This is known as quantum entanglement. Interconnection between organisms who are entangled, such as the therapist and the patient, constitutes a special kind of perception, as the therapist receives information at a quantum level from and about the patient, regardless of the physical distance that separates them.

Whenever I am working with my clients in an on-location CranioSacral session, I am engaging in the fascia and connective tissue. I also know that I am connecting on a very energetic, conscious and subconscious way with my client.

I totally believe that we DO NOT need to suffer and that we can receive this work while we are both in different locations.

Contact me directly at cstgalway@gmail.com +353 (086) 384 0629 to arrange the session in a time that suits

If you have had a hands-on CST session with me, you are probably wondering how this can possibly work without my physical presence. I will connect with you through the phone or video call.

I will check in with you to see how you are doing and feeling, and if you have an intention for today’s session.

I will be in my treatment room connecting with you through our phones with the speaker of our phones on or on WhatsApp video as we move through the session. You may feel our long-distant CranioSacral session is even stronger than when we are both physically present on location.

  • Why you may want to consider long-distant CranioSacral healing:
  • You like the comfort of your own home.
  • You live too far away.
  • You don’t have the time to travel for an appointment.
  • You are not well and cannot travel.
  • You feel self-conscious or inhibited in your expression in the presence of another person. (Intense releases can take place during sessions, such as crying, trembling, shaking, moving dynamically through arms and legs, etc.)
  • You like to relax in an undisturbed meditative space after the session finishes to allow for the session to continue after the therapist’s hands are taken off.

If you already had an exposure to CranioSacral work, then you might experience some of the sensations, feeling tones, emotional and physiological shifts that you already know from our in-person sessions. For example:

  • You might slowly drift out of active thinking and fall into a dream-like meditative state of awareness.
  • You might notice changes in your breath, such as deep exhalations, very long inhalations, or long pauses in the breath.
  • As your nervous system shifts and rebalances, it might discharge a few jerks through arms and legs.
  • The perception of your body weight might change, such as feeling very light, almost weight-less, or the opposite – very heavy. The perception of the size of your body might change – you might feel tall like a giant, or tiny as a baby.
  • You might start getting various physical sensations such as pulsations, release of heat, something pricking, crawling, or flowing – all signs that the body has engaged in the self-healing process.
  • You might begin to feel an inner awareness and feel yourself letting go. You may see images or hear sounds that have a special meaning.
  • Your usual perception of reality might slowly change as you are guided by the deep healing forces from within your subconscious.

Prior to the session, we agree on the date and time over the phone, an email or text message. At the beginning time of the session I call you over the phone and we begin the check-in process, where you describe how you are doing at the moment and what might be coming up for you. I will also ask you to state your intention for our session. At that point we can begin the session work.

You will lie down somewhere comfortably, in a place where you feel safe and un-disturbed for one hour.

The phone remains next to you on speaker/video mode so that we can continue the dialogue as the energy work is happening. During that time, I will be connecting to you and supporting you telling you what i feel and where i am working .

We will both be tuning in to what is present in your inner space. The session concludes when I feel that the healing process that commenced is complete and self-sustaining.

Sessions take approximately 30-45mins, and then followed by text, e-mail or phone integration (my preference). Take all the time it feels right to rest and integrate or even continue the session. When you feel ready to share your experience, send me an email, text or arrange a phone call with a “debrief” of what the experience was like for you.

After that, I will respond with what I had felt from our work. This integration takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes depending on what and how much is shared. This session impression exchange is an essential part of our work and is included in the price of the session.

Distance CranioSacral Therapy

Though the craniosacral therapist uses a very light touch, the bodywork is deeply transformative and healing—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

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